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Irene F Simmons - Site Memorial Online

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Irene Simmons
Nascido emUnited States
23 years
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Judy Barner

     My most vivid memories of Irene have to be kidding her about sleeping the whole way to the shore in '03 when she was riding with my granddaughter, Heather.  I can still see her also sleeping on the couch in the living room at the shore. 

     I have many happy pictures of Heather and Irene taken that year at the shore when she shared part of our week.

Those two really had a friendship going.

     The last picture that I took was out front of our apartment the day the girls left.  Under that picture, I wrote "Going Home".  And now, Irene you have truly Gone Home.


Heather Barner
I try to sit here and go back to the very first memory Irene and I shared, but its so hard. Its so long ago and there were so many. I know one thing, i would of never made it through Senior year in highschool without her. She was my support as i struggled the whole way through that year. So many inside jokes, i couldnt even count them all. So many nighs staying up all night at my house, being crazy...not to mention all the wild conversations with my mom. which you always had that joke with my parents and ended up calling them "Heathers mom and Heathers Dad" I loved it, so did they. You were always like around my house. You could always call and show up here any hour of the night and it was normal for my parents. Where do i even begin with Senior week, maybe with our rental car that your sister got for us that turned into an embarassing disaster! lol i laugh everytime i think about it, and you spraying the silly string and then our little buddy security guys at the motel making you sweep it all up and i took a picture of you...good times. me and you taking your nephew to his karate classes were the best! and driving around in the middle of the night when u would come home from college and we were looking for amber! My grandmother said she has some really good pictures of you and I when we drove to the beach with my family, im nervous about going to get them from her. i see them and i will cry all over again. i couldnt beleive i was on vacation went you went away from us all and your sister tried to call me and didnt have my new number. But the feeling i felt when i got the news was one of the worst feelings i have ever felt, and well im still not ready to come Wed and say good bye. Its too soon, we still had alot more memories to share. Dont worry i will make sure your nephews and neice are doing good, you know i always did spoil them more anyways :) see you when i get there girl <3
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